Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

Preliminary heat transfer experiments at TU Wien

One of the major goals of the SCARABEUS project is to show the feasibility of the innovative air cooled condenser (ACC) through experiments in Vienna. This heat exchanger is a crucial component in the proposed technology by enabling dry cooling in warm areas where one would typically find Concentrated Solar Power plants. For down-sizing and […]

Second review meeting held online (Dec 15, 2020)

Preliminary heat transfer experiments at TU Wien

One of the major goals of the SCARABEUS project is to show the feasibility of the innovative air cooled condenser (ACC) through experiments in Vienna. This heat exchanger is a crucial component in the proposed technology by enabling dry cooling in warm areas where one would typically find Concentrated Solar Power plants. For down-sizing and […]

Second review meeting held online (Dec 15, 2020)