Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)
Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)
SCARABEUS project featured on Cordis
We are thrilled to announce that an article summarizing the key outcomes of our project has been featured on Cordis, the European Union’s platform for research and innovation. The article recognizes the crucial role the SCARABEUS had in the past 5 years, pioneering the development of innovative fluid blends that enhance the efficiency of solar […]
New SCARABEUS leaflet
We are proud to unveil the new leaflet of SCARABEUS project, summarising the main outcomes our consortium has achieved in the last 5 years. SCARABEUS PROJECT
SCARABEUS project featured on Cordis
We are thrilled to announce that an article summarizing the key outcomes of our project has been featured on Cordis, the European Union’s platform for research and innovation. The article recognizes the crucial role the SCARABEUS had in the past 5 years, pioneering the development of innovative fluid blends that enhance the efficiency of solar […]
New SCARABEUS leaflet
We are proud to unveil the new leaflet of SCARABEUS project, summarising the main outcomes our consortium has achieved in the last 5 years. SCARABEUS PROJECT