Dissemination Logbook: this Dissemination Logbook contains the Data Management Plan and the Dissemination and Communication database (list with dissemination and communication activities performed so far in he project).

New SCARABEUS leaflet
We are proud to unveil the new leaflet of SCARABEUS project,…


D4.3 Public report on the heat transfer characteristics using CO2 blends
D4.3 Public report on the heat transfer characteristics using…


Paper on aerodynamic and mechanical design of large gas turbines presented by City, University of London and Baker-Hughes at ASME Turbo Expo, Boston (USA)
Turbine assembly cross section (©Baker Hughes Company, All…

Paper on energy losses in radial turbines presented by City, University of London at ASME Turbo Expo, Boston (USA)
Fan power consumption at reduced mass flow rate for different…

Paper on off-design operation of ACCs presented by University of Seville at ASME Turbo Expo, Boston (USA)
Fan power consumption at reduced mass flow rate for different…

Paper on axial turbine flowpath design presented by City, University of London at ASME Turbo Expo, Boston (USA)
Turbine flowpath for a 100 MWe SCARABEUS plant running on mixtures…

Joint paper by City, University of London, University of Seville and Bakher Hughes published in Applied Thermal Engineering
The SCARABEUS teams at City, University of London, University…

Paper on ACC design presented by University of Seville at the 5th European Conference on Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Energy Systems, Prague (Czech Republic)
Schematic of ACC used as reference for SCARABEUS

Paper on SARABEUS rig design and operation presented by Technical University of Vienna and Kelvion Thermal solution at the 5th European Conference on Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Energy Systems, Prague (Czech Republic)
Front view of the SCARABEUS test rig at TU Wien

New paper by University of Seville presents the exergy analysis of different transcritical Carbon Dioxide cycles for CSP applications
The SCARABEUS team at University of Seville…

New project on Supercritical Carbon Dioxide power systems opens 17 positions for Early Stage Researchers across Europe
iSOP stands for Innovation in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Power…

Salma Salah successfully passes PhD Viva at City, University of London
As SCARABEUS heads towards the last months of the project, and…

Very nice representation of the SCARABEUS project team at the 5th European Conference on Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Energy Systems
The 5th European Conference on Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Energy…

Laboratorio Energia e Ambiente Piacenza working on the socio-economic assessment of the technology
Laboratorio Energia e Ambiente Piacenza working on the socio-economic…

SCARABEUS present at the Solar Helix meeting in Madrid
The Dissemination Coordinator of SCARABEUS, Prof. David Sánchez…

SCARABEUS present at the ASME Turbo Expo conference in Rotterdam, The Netherlands
The Turbo Expo conference gathers the leading professionals in…

SCO2-Flex Final Event: The Role of sCO2 cycles in Europe’s future energy system
SCO2-Flex Final Event: The Role of sCO2 cycles in Europe’s…

Carbon Dioxide mixtures at the 4th European sCO2 Conference for Energy Systems, Prague
The 4th edition of the European sCO2 Conference for Energy Systems,…