SCARABEUS test rig successfully commissioned at Technische Universität Wien

With the stamp on the nameplate, the long path of commissioning the test facility is now successfully finished.



From the start of the SCARABEUS project in 2019, the team at TUW has worked very hard to make this happen. The steps involved:

  • A HAZOP study,
  • A design review,
  • And the official commissioning,

all three under the guidance of the notified body in Austria (TÜV Austria).

The original test facility existing at TUW was modified to a recuperated Rankine cycle. In the first test campaign, the novel heat exchangers with pure CO2 will be examined: the recuperator (a printed circuit heat exchanger) and the air-cooled condenser – both from the project partner Kelvion Thermal Solutions. A brand new gas burner and the attached Inconel primary heater will supply the testing section of the facility us with flue gas at 850 °C and heat up the CO2 to 650 °C.

It has been a long and bumpy road due to the many hurdles arising as a consequence of the pandemic and subsequent shortage of critical supplies. Nevertheless, the team at TUW made it happen. Congratulations!




Test rig successfully commissioned (Jun 26, 2023)

Presentations of ETN’s fourth episode of the webinar series on R& Activities on sCO2 in Europe already available

We are very glad to announce that the presentations of the 4th webinar on R&D Activities on sCO2 Activities in Europe are now available for download.


Organised by ETN Global, coordinator of the CO2OLHEAT Project, this last event was focused on heat exchanger technology, since heat exchangers are core equipment of sCO2 systems with an expectedly strong impact on Capital Costs and performance. It is to note that event was part of the European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW), as a Sustainable Energy Day.


These are the talks that we had the opportunity to enjoy:

  • CFD-aided conceptual design of a cooler in sCO2 cycles for novel waste-heat-to-power (WH2P) plant layouts, Panagiotis Drosatos (CERTH)
  • Development of a high-efficiency particle-sCO2 heat exchanger for CSP applications, Maxime Rouzès (John Cockerill)
  • How additive manufacturing will help the energy sector: application to the primary heat exchanger in a sCO2 cycle, Damien Serret (TEMISTH)


Follow this link to get your copy of the presentations: Link


Workshop at test rig – Technical University of Viena

Following the Dissemination and Communication Plan of the SCARABEUS project, an open Workshop was organised at the Technical University of Vienna, home to the SCARABEUS test rig where the concept proposed in the project will be tested.

The meeting was held at the very nice facilities of TUW’s Science Centre in Franz-Grill-Straße 2-4, A-1030 Wien. The SCARABEUS team at TU Wien set up a very exciting agenda:

  • 00 – 10.15: Welcome, Prof. Markus Haider (TU Wien)
  • 15 – 11.15: The SCARABEUS project – experimental activities
    • 15 – 10.45: Overview of the SCARABEUS project

Prof. Giampaolo Manzolini (Politecnico di Milano)

  • 45 – 11.15: The SCARABEUS test rig at TU Wien

Viktoria Illyes, Technical University of Viena

  • 30 – 12.30: Tour to TUW’s lab and SCARABEUS rig
  • 30 – 14.30: Supercritical CO2 power cycles: components, perspectives and experiments
    • 30 – 13.50: Supercritical CO2 power from Baker-Hughes’s perspective

Marco Fiori, Baker Hughes

  • 50 – 14.10: Future outlook and challenges for implementing sCO2 power cycles

Prof. David Sánchez, University of Seville

  • 10 – 14.30: Supercritical CO2 as a working medium -characteristics

Prof. Rene Pecnik,  Delft University of Technology

  • 00 – 16.00: Supercritical CO2 power cycles: components and mixtures
    • 00 – 15.30: Turbomachinery from the standpoint of research

Prof. Teemu Turunen-Saaresti, Lappeenranta University of Technology

  • 30 – 16.00: Blends for sCO2 in power cycles

Prof. Andreas Jäger, Technical University of Dresden

  • 00 – 16.30: Supercritical CO2 test rigs: worldwide and in Europe

Dr. Otakart Frybort, Centrum Výzkumu Řež

The event was very well attended, and the presentations provided a very broad, informative and scientifically-rigorous overview of the current status of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide power cycles, in particular the benefits and challenges of using mixtures in certain applications. Lively discussions were also triggered during the sessions and in the numerous networking opportunities enabled by the programme. The speakers are certainly acknowledged for their effort in adapting their talks to a broad audience whilst still retaining a large amount of useful technical information.

Congratulations SCARABEUS team at TUW on such a well-crafted event, and thanks a lot for the very hard work put on this!

Presentations of the event are available upon request. If you are interested, send an email to the Dissemination Coordinator of SC

The fourth episode of the webinar series on R& Activities on sCO2 in Europe organized by ETN will take place on Monday, June 12th

A new episode of the webinar series on supercritical Carbon Dioxide technology is here. After Episode 1 -introduction to ongoing sCO2 projects in Europe-, Episode 2 -sCO2 compressor challenges- and Episode 3 -recuperative heat exchangers for sCO2 power systems-, Episode 4 will focus on the so-called primary heat exchanger.


Unlike turbomachinery and recuperators, primary heat exchangers are application-specific. This means that their design and specific challenges are tightly linked to the environment they will be used in: Waste Heat Recovery, Concentrated Solar Power… An excellent portfolio of speakers comprised of Panagiotis Drosatos (Centre for Research & Technology Hellas -CERTH), Maxime Rouzès (John Cockerill) and Damien Serret(TEMISTh) will guide us through different their experience in designing actual equipment, the specifications of the corresponding users and the challenges posed by the demanding operating conditions.


Attendance to the event is free but registration on Eventbrite is necessary: LINK. Download the flyer of the event here: DOWNLOAD


The CO2OLHEAT Project, coordinated by ETN Global, aims to demonstrate (at TRL7) the operation of a 2 MW Waste-Heat-to-power (WH2P) skid based on a 2MW-sCO2 cycle, able to efficiently valorize local waste heat at a significant temperature of 400°C in a heavy industrial facility.


ETN Global initiated, in September 2022, a series of webinars aimed at providing a forum where the R&D activities in the area of supercritical Carbon Dioxide technologies can be disseminated and made known to a wider audience. This initative has been joined by seven international and national projects, funded by the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Commission (CO2OLHEAT, COMPASsCO2, SCARABEUS, DESOLINATION, SOLARSCO2OL, sCO2-4-NPP) and by national R&D programmes in Germany (CARBOSOLA) and the Czech Republic (sCO2-Efekt).


The first webinar, held on September 22nd, aimed to introduce these projects in a single session, providing the main features of the project from technical and administrative standpoints. Opportunities for collaboration between projects and with stakeholders were also highlighted. Presentations can be downloaded from the SCARABEUS website: Link.


The second webinar took place on December 5th and presented a focus session discussing the fundamental and technical challenges posed for the design and operation of compressors in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide power systems. Three outstanding speakers covered these aspects; the session turned out very well and the feedback was very positive. Presentations can be downloaded from the SCARABEUS website: Link.


The next event will take place on March 6th, 16.00 – 17.00 CET. It will focus on heat exchanger technology, since heat exchangers are core equipment of sCO2 systems with an expectedly strong impact on Capital Costs and performance. Follow this link to registration: Link